COVID-19 antibodies stay in humans' blood for at least six months - Study

COVID-19 antibodies stay in humans' blood for at least six months - Study

A recent study has shown that antibodies could be residual in the blood for up to six months. This research however doesn't show the relationship between immunity and antibodies. 

Covid-19 antibodies present in volunteers 

A recent study of coronavirus antibodies in the human body has revealed that about 89% of these volunteers still possess some antibodies in their bloodstream for as long as six months, research of about 1,900 individuals suggests. 

This data which was compiled by a global COVID-19 studies institute also shows some suggested symptoms infected people might show. About 27% have a cough, 29% have a mild fever and about 44% started to have no sense of taste or smell. 

However, the report also shows that 41% show none of these, and another 19% showed no symptoms at all. This new data also reinforces an earlier made study on those that will likely be infected during the pandemic. A study of a group of about 21,00 who are frequently tested during the COVID-19 pandemic, young individuals, black and Asian individuals who are likely to be positive for COVID-19 antibodies. 

Samples at UK biobank provides good information 

Britain has a biobank that has a plethora of blood, saliva, urine samples, and essential gene information of about 600,000 people who want to have their information analyzed. About 21,000 of these volunteers gave a blood sample monthly between June and December last year. 

About 1,700 of these volunteers tested positive posses antibodies which shows they were infected at some particular time. Many of these samples were already tested for antibodies in June, which indicates many have already had the Virus prior. After the research, about 89% still have the antibodies. 

According to British too scientist Prof Náómì '' We are not yet sure the relationship between these antibodies and immunity, however, this could mean that people with these COVID-19 antibodies are protected for at least six months ''

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